Local Issuing Office – EIC codes

EL Greek version
TSOC is the Local Issuing Office for Energy Identification Codes (EIC) for Electricity in Cyprus.

TSOC is authorized to issue both international and local EIC Code, as defined in the EIC Reference Manual found at the website here.

The list of published EIC codes can be found here.

EIC scheme

  • The EIC is only a coding scheme and it is not a right or authorization to trade energy.
  • The EIC scheme is widely used in the Electronic Document Interchange, as well as EU Regulations for transparency and integrity of Energy Market (EC 543/2013, EC1227/2011 etc.)

EIC code types
Over and above Market Participants (Parties – object type “X”), the EIC also covers other entities by allocating a unique code to the following object types:

  • Measuring Points – object type “Z”, Energy Metering points
  • Resource objects – object type “W”, such as Production plants, consumption units, etc.
  • Location – object type “V”, Physical or logical place where a market participant or IT system is located
  • Tie-lines – object type “T”, lines, busbar-couples, transformers, etc.
  • Substations – object type “A”

Applying for an EIC Code
In order to get an EIC code for electricity an authorised representative of the submitting organisation should complete one of the forms below:

Only a restricted list of functions can be assigned to a given EIC code, based on its code type. The list of functions can be found here.

The form shall be submitted to the following email address: eic-cy@dsm.org.cy.

Once the form is submitted the subsequent steps will be followed:

  1. TSOC will process the application and either validate the request or notify the EIC Participant regarding any problems identified, consulting the Central Issuing Office (CIO) for International codes.
  2. Once the request is validated the EIC code will be published here, and if an international code, on the ENTSO-E website.

EIC Code information change request
In order to modify an existing EIC code, an authorised representative of the submitting organisation should complete one of the forms below:

Deactivating an EIC Code
In order to deactivate an existing EIC code, an authorised representative of the submitting organisation should complete the form below:

Reactivating an EIC Code
In order to reactivate a deactivated EIC code, an authorised representative of the submitting organisation should complete the form below:

For any further information and/or clarifications, you can contact us at the following email address: eic-cy@dsm.org.cy.

TSOC will treat as confidential any data qualified as confidential it receives from an EIC Participant, another LIO or the CIO. TSOC will use utmost care and discretion not to disclose, publish or disseminate the confidential data. This obligation is without prejudice to the communication of data to the CIO and other LIOs in accordance with the EIC reference manual and, if necessary or requested, to competent authorities. TSOC will process and publish the data it receives in line with the national law on protection of personal data.

TSOC is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness and validity of the information that is provided by an EIC Participant. TSOC is not responsible for loss, damage, costs and expenses which may incur as a direct consequence of acts or omissions from an EIC Participant, the CIO or any third party. TSOC is responsible only for the EIC codes it allocates.

The objective of this Internet page is to allow persons involved in the energy market to get information on the Energy Identification Code (EIC) necessary to carry out electronic data interchange (EDI). In no event shall TSOC be liable for any damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, general, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of any use of the information obtained using this site.

In particular, VAT codes are only provided for information purposes and it is the responsibility of the party to assess the validity using for example the Taxations and Customs Union website.

In addition, our goal is to minimize disruption caused by technical errors. However some data or information on this page may have been created or structured in files or formats which are not error-free and we cannot guarantee that our service will not be interrupted or otherwise affected by such problems. TSOC accepts no liability with regard to such problems incurred as a result of using this site or any linked external sites.