New Connections to the Transmission System

Last updated: 27 June, 2024 EL Greek version

This section sets out all the information and relevant procedures that a prospective Applicant (Producer or Consumer) must follow in order to connect their electrical installations to the Transmission/Distribution System.

Brief Description

According to the Transmission and Distribution Rules, Producers are requesting a connection capacity exceeding 8MW and Customers (Consumers) requesting a connection capacity exceeding 12MVA, must submit to the Transmission System Operator Cyprus (TSOC) an application for a connection to the Transmission System.

The Applicant (Producer, Consumer, Self producer or Energy Storage Facility) must fill out the corresponding “Application for the Connection to the Transmission System” and submit it to TSOC, in accordance with the established procedure. The standard Connection Application as well as the relevant documents must be delivered to the TSOC Offices by hand or by mail or submitted electronically to [email protected].

The procedure followed from the stage of submission of a Connection Application up to the stage of signing a Connection Agreement between the Applicant and TSOC is detailed in the “Procedure for the Conclusion of a Connection Agreement between TSOC and an Applicant (Producer/Customer)“.

Information regarding the Capital Expenditure that Applicants must incur for the connection of their installations to the Transmission/Distribution System, and Applicants’ other financial obligations, is included in the “Key Charging Policy Principles for the Connection of Producers and Customers to the Transmission / Distribution System“.

Pursuant to the Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority’s Decision No 821/2012 dated 30/11/2012, the “Procedure for the Conclusion of a Connection Agreement between TSOC and an Applicant (Producer/Customer)” and the “Key Charging Policy Principles for the Connection of Producers and Customers to the Transmission / Distribution System” became effective as of the 1st of January 2013.

The Transmission Rules referenced in the Laws No 2021 up to 2023 (Ν.130(Ι)/2021) Regulating the Electricity Market including all its subsequent amendments set out in detail the operational procedures and principles governing the relationship between TSOC and all Users of the Transmission System (Producer, Consumer, Self producer or Energy Storage Facility).

The published RES-E Hosting Capacity Map aims to inform every interested party about the ability to integrate RES-E in the Electricity System of Cyprus.

Additionally the Manual “Terms and Conditions for the Connection of Installations of Independent RES Producers to the Transmission/Distribution System” details the procedures, applicants must follow after signing of the Connection Agreement, in order for the connection network to be constructed and their installations to begin operating on the grid.

Furthermore, the following lists are published entitled:

  • “List of Transmission System Connection Applications” includes all Connection applications and agreements with Conventional Power Plants, RES Power Plants, and Consumers.
  • “List of Distribution System Operator’s Suggestions for the construction or reinforcement of new Transmission Substations” to facilitate the connection of new RES Plants.
  • Connection agreements with Conventional Power Plants, RES Power Plants, and Consumers.